Here is the information for hair and makeup.
Details- HAIR
Center part
Slicked Low ponytail - no fly-away's - Hair should be touched up for every dance.
Ponytail must be flat ironed straight. Please use hairband that matches dancer hair color, and spray heavily with hairspray.
**Boys: Hair should be styled and out of your face.
Makeup -Link to YouTube tutorial at bottom of page.​
Makeup Kits are starting to get handed out. We do need to order additional kits. If for some reason you do not receive one by January 1st, please contact the office.​
If you are looking to order a new kit ( previous year dancer ) please let your team mom know ASAP. If you are wanting to replace items, here is the information:
New replacement palette: Essence Daily Dose of Love Last Years ( 2020-21 ) Eye Pallet Morphe 5L Lil Stunner
Felt Tip Liquid Eyeliner Morphe Ink
Lips Maybeline Super Stay Matte Ink 155 Savant
Brush Set Smoky Eyes Coastal Scents
Eyelashes : https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07PZ9FD5Q?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title&pldnSite=1
1 pair of earrings will be included with costumes this dance season.
We have clip on or pierced. Those who have lost or need a new pair, the earrings are $15. You can Venmo Misty or send your dancer to the studio with $15 cash.
HIP HOP ( 2021-2022 )
You will be in charge of purchasing your own shoes. Here is the link to our studio Hip Hop shoes. You can purchase online or look in local department stores. Photo off to right if viewing on laptop or pc, photo at bottom if viewing from mobile device.
Everyone EXCEPT 8:45 PM Class shoes
Teens Vans: https://www.vans.com/shop/suede-canvas-old-
Kids Vans:​ https://www.vans.com/shop/kids-old-skool-black-trw
8:45 PM Hip Hop Class: https://www.nike.com/t/air-force-1-07-womens-shoes-GCkPzr/DD8959-100
*If your older dancer has to have a bra for support she will need to wear a dance bra with clear straps, nude in color, & clear straps in the back for the lower backed costumes. Please be aware that many older girls will need a dance bra for support (don’t want too much movement going on). wink .... wink...
A couple options are:
BW274 Padded Bra by Body Wrappers
C3683 Seamless Clear Back Bra by Capezio
**A list of websites and stores will be at the end of this note for all your needs.**
If applicable: ( Ask teacher or costuming )
Brand needed: Body Wrappers Full body tight (convertible foot/clear straps) #A91
Color: Jazzy Tan (NOT TAN or SUNTAN) we need to match
Size: older girls have a few sizes to choose from. ALL younger girls will get the 8-14 youth size. They fit all of the different sizes. They are super stretchy and work great!
There is a capezio body tight that works but make sure it has clear straps, and is a caramel tan. We would like them to match the shoes. It gives a clean and professional line.
**Boys - underwear should be the same color as your pants so they do not show if your shirt pulls up
ShoesIf applicable: ( Ask teacher or costuming )
Company Teams will be wearing turning shoes for all dances (lyrical, jazz, contemporary, character) Below are some options…. Just make sure they are leather. A good option is to buy a canvas pair for practice then have a leather pair for performance (just wear them the week of comp to break them in) dancers should have 2 pair of turning shoes to keep their comp pair looking nice all season. Absolutely NO holes will be accepted in tights or shoes EVER.
Below are styles that will work:
*Adult "Turning Pointe 55" Pirouette Shoes by Sophia Lucia
*Adult Pirouette II Leather Lyrical Shoes Style No: H062, H063C, H063W
Please do not get a pair of shoes that are dark tan. They stand out to much (they she be closer to your skin color)
Websites & local store to purchase these items:
Local Stores:
Onstage Dancewear 3900 S. 1700 W. 801 968-3139
Dancewear Inc. 8922 S. 700 E. 801 255-0449
Backstage Dancewear 421 W. 12300 S. 801 446-0192
bodywrappers.com (for sizing needs only)
General costuming notes:
All costumes should be steamed and look nice for every competition.
Bring lots safety pins, Bobby pins, and butt glue (for kids that wear just leotards)
Company directors and team moms will determine which accessories will be worn and how they should look so always bring all of them.
Be careful with Lace and sheer fabrics when you are taking them on and off and when they are near or rubbing on abrasive fabrics like sequin. They will snag, run and be ruined if you are not very careful.
Fringe biker shorts and accessories have a thread running through them - it helps to hold the shape and protect the fringe - this string should be removed for competition but treat your costume well so your Fringe will look nice all season.
Label all of your costume pieces and shoes. Things get lost & if there is a name on them your chances of getting them returned greatly increased.
*Costumes will not be handed out until supply fees are current. All of the studio’s costumes have been ordered and paid for, IN FULL. We are unable to carry balances. If we need to space dancers out of routines we will be doing that. Thank you for your attention to matter.